发表于 2012-4-27 11:25:49
本报讯 昨天上午10点50分左右,长沙市红星建材市场门口一根电线杆突然断裂,造成市场一带全部停电。
一位路过红星建材市场的周先生说,当时只听见“砰”的一声巨响,就像是放炮竹一般。电线杆随之断裂,dolce and gabbana outlet,从顶端三分之一折断,上半段处吊在了半空中,people profile
scarlett johansson, robert downey jr, chris hemsworth and fellow cast members of 'avengers' wowed fans on the red carpet in london, for the european premiere.,ray ban。电杆上的电缆也被巨大的拉力拉断,断口处闪现出火花。断裂的电缆掉落在地面上,dolce and gabbana,电火花仍“扑哧、扑哧”地闪着,直到电力110拉下了电闸,电火花才停止跳动,dolce gabbana。
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scarlett johansson, robert downey jr, chris hemsworth and fellow cast members of 'avengers' wowed fans on the red carpet in london, for the european premiere.,连日来的雨水将电线杆旁边一堵墙的基角掏空,louboutin,墙因承重不起而倒塌。与电杆相连的一根钢缆正拴在这堵墙上,随着墙的倒塌,supra,looking at his right hand. this hand
scarlett johansson, robert downey jr, chris hemsworth and fellow cast members of 'avengers' wowed fans on the red carpet in london, for the european premiere.,电杆也被拉断为两截,louboutin pas cher。所幸电杆位于马路边的空地上,christian louboutin,当时天正下着雨路上没有行人,才没有造成人员的伤亡和财产的损失,louboutin。
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