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  今年1月,俄新社援引俄海军高层人士的话说,鉴于美国在波兰部署“爱国者”导弹,俄海军决定提高波罗的海舰队的高精武器装备水平。俄海军表示,louboutin pas cher,未来5至7年,波罗的海舰队的作战任务和战斗力都将因美在波部署“爱国者”导弹而发生根本变化,outlet hogan。
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  本报莫斯科5月25日电 (记者谭武军)俄新社网站24日发表文章并刊登照片详细介绍部署“爱国者”导弹的波兰莫龙格基地。俄新社的报道指出,美国的“爱国者”导弹并未如先前计划那样部署在华沙城外,而选择在距俄罗斯加里宁格勒州数十公里的小城莫龙格。
  在波兰境内部署爱国者导弹一事一直考验着美俄关系。在声称这一新的导弹部署并非威胁俄罗斯、而是针对伊朗的前提下,abercrombie and fitch,美国一直没有放缓在欧洲建立反导系统的步伐。对此,俄罗斯警告说,如果俄方认为美国反导研发“走得太远”,俄方将退出《削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》。俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫也曾表示,要么与北约一起共建欧洲反导体系,要么俄罗斯不得不做出反应。针对俄方的态度,美国国务卿克林顿和国防部长盖茨本月18日表示,hogan,美国将继续部署、改进导弹防御系统,不受与俄签署的《削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》限制。
  对于俄罗斯来说,美军在其家门口部署的导弹系统不啻如芒在背,势将对其密切注视,多有防范,air jordan,无疑这也将成为今后美俄关系中极易引燃的导火索。

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they got much worse after Cyclone Nargis.

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the world health organization says it will help the government of burma rebuild and re-equip health facilities,ray ban, which had been destroyed and damaged by cyclone nargis, the worst storm to hit the country in 40 years. who says it has a clear plan as to what needs to be done following a joint comprehensive assessment of the stricken area conducted by the united nations, world bank, and the association of south east asian nations or asean. lisa schlein reports for voa from who headquarters in geneva.
the report assesses damage caused by cyclone nargis at $4 billion and estimates burma, also known as myanmar, will need $1 billion over the next three years to help it recover.
the cyclone, which struck in early may killed more than 84,000 people,puma, destroyed or damaged about 800,abercrombie,000 homes,air jordan, and flooded vast areas of agricultural land. about 75 percent of hospitals and clinics in the hard-hit irawaddy delta were destroyed or badly damaged.
richard garfield heads the world health organization's department of health and nutrition tracking service. he spent six weeks in burma and participated in the assessment mission.
he says he was surprised to see that 80 percent of people in the affected areas had had access to a health service before the cyclone struck. he says that does not mean that conditions were good. but,casque beats, he adds, they got much worse after cyclone nargis.
"what we discovered through this village-based assessment in interviewing 10 to 12 households in every village and the village leader was that there had been a good deal more response in the country from national assets and resources than we had known about before,abercrombie and fitch," said dr. garfield. "not that that was an adequate response because the needs were overwhelming. but, there was a good deal more response than we had realized."
dr. garfield says he also was surprised to find the government had moved many physicians and nurses into the region in response to the cyclone. he says who plans to rebuild the health facilities which have been damaged and destroyed and equip them.
he says the agency also will train national health workers and help them improve their communications and supply systems.
"so,chaussures puma, that within a year,lunettes ray ban, we expect them to be considerably improved to where they had been in that region prior to nargis," said dr. garfield. "this is the principle of "build back better." and,michael kors outlet, now we have a basis to figure out when we have reached that level."
in the aftermath of cyclone nargis, burma's military rulers were criticized for refusing most international help and for being slow in granting visas to united nations and other aid workers. the generals also were criticized for not allowing foreign aid workers to move around freely in the irawaddy delta.
dr. garfield says this no longer is a problem. he says u.n. aid workers can go anywhere without government interference.

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