sky81371994 发表于 2012-4-29 11:35:41


sky81371994 发表于 2012-4-29 15:24:00


sky81371994 发表于 2012-4-29 15:25:21

蛤灯展么 但保代用品 佣兵

sky81371994 发表于 2012-4-29 15:25:43


sky81371994 发表于 2012-4-29 15:26:05


anwhcuft 发表于 2012-4-29 16:56:57

我承包责任地被国家征收、其补偿费太低,每几百元便应付老百姓,我去要理时,国土局王玉圣抬手将我欧打一顿、并与公安局七里派出所廖加刚勾结,将我受害者抓到囚车上押送到治安拘留七日。我受伤拘留、强行要我劳动,我泪如雨下,为什么如此社会的“领导人”横蛮对付我这个二级残疾人? 我要求依据《民法通则》第134条之有关规定、为我赔礼道歉、赔偿所受的经济损失。七里镇南池三社,董朝双。2012年1月9日。 身份证:512930195403021036 短信15520406544。QQ:504079412

3r2r2s0k1 发表于 2012-4-29 21:32:27


这时,老爷子左右望了一下,见附近无人,就低着头,双膝着地,先把双手和头伸过闸门,mercurial vapor,大娘在另一边拉住老爷子的手往外拖,折腾了近半分钟,老爷子终于贴着地从闸门下钻了过来。起身后,大娘上前把老爷子裤子上的土都拍掉,二人快步走出了地铁站。
上海:每天逃票近万人。 2011年11月17日至年底,上海地铁各运营公司与对口派出所及公安民警、保安、协警等联合组成专门的执法稽查队伍,在全网络随机对重点车站 “四乱”及逃票等现象进行联合执法稽查,mercurial,严查乘车逃票行为,最高加收5倍票款处罚。
还有一名在沈阳地铁工作的网友表示,“天天都能抓十多个逃票的,真没素质,franklin marshall,就两块钱还逃,多丢人! ”
网友“楚襄”跟帖讲述了自己的经历,“我就这样被紧跟过,两个中年女子,就在机器旁边等着,然后在你划卡的一瞬间在你前面出闸机,以至于我差点没出去,出去后她们还大笑,dolce gabbana,素质真是太差了! ”
另一位保安也表示,许多逃票的乘客就算被抓住了也会耍赖,有说自己卡投进去了人没过去的、有说自己卡在车上丢了的。现在对逃票的乘客没什么惩罚措施,最后只能让他们按当站最高单程票价补票了事。“站里工作人员都不怎么管,我们一帮没编没权的保安得罪人干什么?每天那么多人因为各种原因没划卡就出站了,里面有许多是真有票的,但是我只看到他们没划票就出来了,dolce and gabbana,抓住了还是我的不是;就算他是真的逃票,最多也就让他补个票,想教育他一下,人家一句:你个保安多什么嘴,我就没话说了。 ”一名保安无奈地说。
上班高峰点,有乘客没有划卡,紧跟前边乘客出站。 记者 纪力元 摄
其中一个站点的保安介绍,现在逃票的乘客已经抓不过来了,一趟地铁到了,每一个出口都有100多人出站,louboutin pas cher,由于许多乘客不会刷卡、大件行李需要帮忙扶等原因,保安需要上去帮忙,一个人根本看不住。“尤其是小孩,现在带孩子的乘客基本上没见着给孩子买票的,我们规定超过1.3米的孩子都应该买票,casque beats,但是许多家长就把孩子推在身前,刷下卡,俩人就一起出去了。 ”这位保安说。
|xgv00|6ac6cf45192e87dc1252ca361a02e339 |xgv00|e0d359a0386a008ee206706cbca0e878 |xgv00|c7d648e3ce8a4f4477db93e50b79533b 用户调查
2012年04月11日09:55辽沈晚报[微博]陈浩我要评论(0) 字号:t|t
帖子称,“现在逃票的乘客越来越多了,这比不讲文明卫生的乘客更可耻!大家都眼睁睁看着你怎么过闸机呢,别因为侥幸逃过还傻呵呵乐了,dolce and gabbana outlet!国外地铁逃票都是有记录的,跟信用卡一样,影响你一生的信誉! ”
昨日下午1时30分,地铁一号线东中街站出口,先是老大娘跟着出站乘客迅速跑出检票口,老大爷没能跟上,只好趴在地上钻出。 记者 姜旭 摄

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shun11 发表于 2012-4-29 23:24:18


amwxykhf 发表于 2012-4-30 12:48:28

or to outside the throwing of fireworks

it is understood that, guiyang city fireworks business storage safety regulations (trial) limit the discharge region, the implementation of the shop operations; without a license to sell fireworks,abercrombie, and a maximum fine of $ 100,000, the terms at the same time,louboutin, the public discharge of all kinds of fireworks, the detailed provisions.
violation of the ban on the sale and discharge of crackers, pull the gun, smashing the gun, sparking paper,franklin marshall, rockets,ray ban, to mice by friction, impact extrusion flammable, explosive fireworks regulations , wholesale operators to impose a fine of 20,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan, and retail operators from 1,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan fine, in serious cases, the fireworks license revoked. unauthorized discharge, to a maximum fine of 500 yuan.

the fireworks display, beware of see dozens of different fireworks outlets, the price by 30% compared to last year, many people have purchased many kinds of fireworks.
this year is the second year of the city fireworks ban change the limit in accordance with the provisions of the to allow the sale of fireworks time: 16 two lunar calendar the fifteenth day of the following year.
in addition,hogan, the relevant provisions of the clear demands: close to key cultural relics is strictly prohibited in the downtown streets, shopping malls, theaters, railway stations, hospitals, schools, stadiums and other crowded public places, and the location of the discharge of fireworks. ancient buildings, forest, scenic areas,louboutin pas cher, electric power facilities below, etc. discharge of fireworks; is strictly prohibited in the oil depot,supra, fueling the discharge of fireworks within 100 meters (plus gas) station and other peripheral.
members of the public to choose the open air and flat, accessible place to discharge of fireworks; not to others, vehicles,casque beats, buildings,air jordan, throwing lit fireworks; not in the building, roof, balcony, discharge,lunettes ray ban, or to outside the throwing of fireworks; shall not impede pedestrian and vehicle safe passage; fireworks shall not be used against the state, collective or personal injuries, and property.
also provides the public to buy fireworks, retail point of purchase to the holders of the fireworks business (retail) license to purchase to see whether the production factory, discharge instructions, wholesale enterprises in anti-counterfeit labels. the

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discharge of fireworks products to light at light, open outdoor environment, a flat, dry and hard, the discharge in an accessible place. prohibited in front and residential discharge. at the same time they also had to check the vicinity of flammable and explosive materials.
2, minors can not separate discharge of fireworks products in accordance with the discharge instructions, must be under the guidance of adult discharge.
3, to distinguish between the discharge of the product categories, and in strict accordance with the instructions on the product discharge.
4, fireworks, use ignition incense or cigarettes sideways lit, if possible, should wear safety glasses to protect eyes. lit site is not directly at the face; never allow any part of the body just above in the product, immediately after ignition quickly ran to a safe place to watch.
5, when the discharge, if they are off lead off the fire phenomenon is strictly prohibited probe view, not allowed to repeat lit to prevent an explosion wounding. every half an hour and then water poured wet processing. 6, the purchase of fireworks products, do not plan a small cheap to the illegal production of stalls without a license, at the unscrupulous traders to buy; to choose the legal point of sale purchase, to make its own security more secure.
core prompted
recently, guiyang city 323 retail outlets have begun to sell fireworks. it is understood that, guiyang city, the implementation varieties should be noted that the discharge limit time limit area. privately

, to discharge a maximum penalty of 500 yuan

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lyh 发表于 2012-4-30 16:22:50

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